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-Marilyn Hickey’s Marilynandsarah.org
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Biblical Answers to 25 Challenging Questions – we should know the answers, not from men but from the word of bible, God Himself through HS reveal to us. Qs listed here, ur thought?
Bibilical Answers to 25 Challenging Questions
a book by Sam Storms
1. Inerrancy p.15 ( 无误)
2. Open Theism p.33 ( 开放有神论)
3. Does God Change His Mind? p.54 blog article
4. Could Jesus Sin? p.67
5. Judging Others p.73
6. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit p.82
7. Original Sin p.91
8. Infant Salvation p.104
9. The Unreached p.114
10. Angels p.120
11. Satan p.137
12. Demons p.151
13. Demonization p.166
14. Territorial Spirits p.184
15. Losing Salvation p.194
16. Apostatizing p.208 meaning of this word from dictionary
17. Sex in Heaven p.220
18. Miracles Today p.232
19. Baptism in the Spirit p.252
20. Speaking in Tongues p.276
21. Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh p.283
22. Healing in the Atonement p.295 cn: 在赎罪中愈合
23. Healing the Sick p.303
24. Legalism p.309 meaning of the word from dictionary
25. Tithing p.319
———————- Editor added:
26. Do we have to be poor to follow Jesus? blog article
27. What R 10 powerful facts of the Cross of Christ ? blog article
Important phrases:
God’s declaration to Moses, “I am who i am” (Ex. 3:14), and is explicit in other texts:
* Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17)
* I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. (Mal. 3:6)
* Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Heb. 13:8)
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