Message from Lily Harvey, a Mechanical Engineer, MBA, PMP:
Jan 6 2020:
Jan 5 2020:
Prior 2019
Dr. Leaf is a new rising star represents scientists who now found access to understand and utilize the open information from the source book Bible that has been open to all yet hidden to many sleeping minds. I found these new findings and concept very enlightening and very likely the “secret” is given in completion to release the HOWs. I myself just started to watch and started to think of applying the Hows to generate personal experience in my journey of finding and sharing wisdom in this blog.
Following are the youtubes on these topics that I just watched, in the order of most effective to abstract the key info put into trial:
Dr. Caroline Leaf – Bring Toxic Thoughts into Captivity
Dr. Caroline Leaf | How To Rewire Your Brain | It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth
Dr. Leaf | Applying the SWOYB 5-Step Part 1
Dr. Leaf | Applying the SWOYB 5-Steps Part 2
In detail 5 steps that Dr. Leaf experienced herself:
1. Dr. Leaf | Gather – Input
2. Dr. Leaf | Think – Reflect
3. Dr. Leaf | Journal – Metacog /WRITE DOWN
4. Dr. Leaf | Recheck – Revisit
5. Dr. Leaf | Output – Reach / the DO
Dr. Leaf | Toxic Seeds – 3 steps: 1) admit 2) quate 3) melt it off
===Identify Toxic in the following things humans do from Dr. Leaf:
=== In action solutions that Dr. Leaf talked about:
Instruction to controlling your thought life:
Bring Toxic Thoughts into Captivity:
Renew Your Mind
Part 1: Romans 12:2
Part 2:
Talk about Her book – WHO switched off my brain?
How to Rewrite your brain:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Supernatural the gift in you:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
The Power of the brain
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: